
The purpose of this page is to provide support for the staff in applying the policies. Currently, we are using either paper-based or google form records. We hope to have SIMS updated soon and provide support through the teacher app to carry out a lot of the daily procedures.

Report a safeguarding concern

Use the following forms to log a safeguarding concern about anyone at Jamia. When dealing with behaviour, it is important to consider any safeguarding issues which maybe contributing to any unusual behaviour. Remember, these small details build up to help create a bigger picture and can make a vital contribution in helping the DSL and other nominated staff to support everyone at Jamia.

Click here to report a concern.

Report an injury, accident or health and safety concern

Use the following forms to log an injury, accident or concern in relation to maintenance which may have an affect on Health & Safety of everyone at Jamia. These are not only a requirement but also help the management to manage risks in a way that reduces the chances of further incidents.
The form may require a password which is available a senior staff member upon request.

Forms currently under development.

Report a behaviour concern or merit

Staff can use the following forms to log to log a behaviour concern or merit in accordance to the rewards and behaviour management matrix,
Always consider any safeguarding issues which may relate to behaviour concerns if you notice a pattern developing.
The form may require a password which is available a senior staff member upon request.

Forms currently at trial stage.