Parental Contributions

Jamia Al-Hudaa is financially supported by a registered charity and relies on contributions and donations to meet the annual shortfall between income and expenditure. We ask all parents to make annual contributions towards the cost of provisions for their children in accordance to their incomes and capacity. The estimated cost for each student during the 2023-24 Academic Year is between £6,500 – £7,500.

We request all parents to cooperate with the Jamia and if they cannot afford the Category A (closest category to approximate full cost) then they should try to support the Jamia by encouraging others to donate. As these are contributions towards the running costs of the institution, there are no refunds for any contributions made. If a student leaves during any instalment period, the full amount for that instalment will be due if the contribution has not already been given.

Parents should understand and accept that If they are in any category which does not cover the full cost of a student then charity funds including Zakah will be used to subsidise the cost of their child. Parents must also agree and accept that if they or their daughter are not committed to the full term Aalima course (7 Years for 11 Years Old and 3 Years for 16+ Students) then they must pay the full cost as the subsidy does not apply for them.

There are 3 categories;
Category A – Parents whose total household income is more than £30,000.
Category B – Parents whose total household income is more than £20,000 and up to £30,000.
Category C – Parents whose total household income is up to £20,000.

Current Parental Contributions

Please click on the following link to view the parental contributions;

Parental Contributions for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Direct bank transfer –
Jamia Al-Hudaa (Natwest Bank)
Sort Code: 60-11-33
Account Number: 22865543
Ref: Student Name PC1 (Parental Contribution Instalment 1)
Bank transfers are preferred method as it ensures that the full amount reaches to support the Jamia Al-Hudaa.

Note: Parental contributions are subject to the annual review conducted by the management.

Key Deposit / Electrical Items Contribution

On an annual basis, the students receive a key for the residential room according to the room allocation. We take a £20 key deposit for this which is returnable at the end of the year.

In addition to this a £20 contribution is taken towards electrical items so that students do not need to worry about this on an individual basis.
This contribution includes appliances such as kettles, microwaves, irons & toasters etc. We ensure the items are in good condition and replace as required on a regular basis.

Key deposit = £20
Electrical Appliances Contribution = £20
Total = £40

Book Prices

These are the estimated average cost and can change as we order the books into Jamia.

Jamia Al-Hudaa Book Price List 2024
Class/Year Cost
C1/Year 7 £ 145.00
C2/Year 8 £ 125.00
C3/Year 9 £ 265.00
C4/Year 10 £ 125.00
C5/Year 11 £ 140.00
C6 £ 155.00
C7 £ 26.00
16+1 £ 125.00
16+2 £ 95.00
16+3 £ 220.00