1. The Jamia operates this Parents’ Code of Conduct, which has been agreed by all parties when a student/parent & carer joins.
2. At Jamia Al-Hudaa, we believe that educating children is a process that involves partnership between parents/carers, class teachers and the school community.
3. As a partnership, parents/carers with children at Jamia will understand the importance of a good working relationship in order to equip children with the necessary skills for adulthood.
4. Parents/carers should indicate their agreement to act in accordance with this Code of Conduct by signing the Home-Jamia Agreement or accepting a place for their child at Jamia.
Aims of the Code of Conduct
5. To provide a statement to all parents and/or carers of the expectations with regards to their conduct.
6. To outline the action that Jamia will take if conduct does not meet these expectations.
7. To support the mission, values and vision of Jamia Al-Hudaa and the educational establishments governed by it.
Expectations of parents/carers
8. As well as following the guidance set out in any Home-Jamia Agreement or Parents Handbook we encourage parents and/or carers to:
- Follow the ethos of the Jamia in terms of Respect by “treating others as we wish to be treated”;
- Approach the Jamia to help clarify and resolve any issues of concern that you or your child have. A parent’s first point of contact will usually be with their child’s teacher;
- Understand that both teachers and parents/carers need to work together for the benefit of their children;
- Demonstrate that all members of the school community should be treated with respect and therefore set a good example in their own speech and behaviour;
- Follow the process in the Complaints Policy if they are looking to make a complaint against the Jamia; and
- Make all persons dropping off and collecting their children aware of this code of conduct.
9. In order to support a peaceful and safe environment in our Jamia, we cannot tolerate parents/carers:
- Using offensive or profane language, swearing, cursing or displaying temper anywhere on Jamia premises or in a phone call;
- Making disparaging, libellous or slanderous comments about a member of staff at Jamia;
- Posting defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments regarding Jamia, any member of staff, pupils or parents/carers of pupils at the Jamia on social media sites (Facebook, Twitter etc.).
If parents/carers have any concerns regarding Jamia, they should seek to discuss these with the relevant staff member, or follow the Jamia Al-Hudaa Complaints Policy if required;
- Sending abusive or threatening messages via email, text, voicemail etc.;
- Presenting disruptive behaviour which interferes, or threatens to interfere, with the operation of Jamia;
- Threatening to inflict harm to a member of staff, governor, visitor, fellow parent/carer, or pupil at Jamia irrespective of whether or not the behaviour constitutes a criminal offence;
- Approaching someone else’s child in order to chastise them because of the actions of that child towards their own child;
- Using physical aggression towards another adult or child. This includes physical punishment against a parent/carer’s own child on Jamia premises;
- Undertaking any forms of harassment: displaying vexatious behaviour which is humiliating for the individual and is damaging to their self-esteem. This can be conducted through repeated instances of any of the above;
- Damaging or destroying property belonging to Jamia;
- Smoking, taking illegal drugs or consuming alcohol on school premises; or
- Bringing dogs, other than assistance dogs, on to school premises.
Dealing with unacceptable behaviour
10. Should any of the unacceptable behaviour outlined above occur, the school may take the following steps:
- Clarify to the parent/carer, in writing, that unacceptable behaviour has been observed and issue the parent/carer with a warning regarding future conduct;
- Invite the parent/carer to a meeting to discuss events;
- Impose conditions on the parent/carer’s contact with the school and its staff;
- Ban the offending parent/carer from entering school grounds;
- Madni Trust may reconsider cancelling the subsidy it applies to the parental contributions;
- Contact the police if appropriate; and /or
- Pursue legal action, in certain circumstances, in order to seek redress, or prevent a reoccurrence, of any unacceptable behaviour.
11. Jamia Al-Hudaa will provide support to staff, pupils, parents/carers and governors who have been subject to incidents of unacceptable behaviour.
12. Any parental complaint that arises from an incident of unacceptable behaviour will be dealt with under the Jamia Al-Hudaa’s Complaints Policy.
13. The Principal will liaise with the Madni Trust and Corporate Services for guidance prior to taking any action.