7 Year Aalimah Curriculum

There are two courses available depending on the age of the student. The 7 year course is for those in starting from the first year of secondary school or beginner level of study. This course takes into consideration the national curriculum course of study covering the basics and moving on to advance levels as the student progresses.

Please Visit the GCSE Curriculum page for information of subjects studied alongside the subjects below.

Overview of Subjects

Quranic Studies

In this subject students learn how to recite the Holy Quran fluently and beautifully. The rules of Tajweed cover topics such as; correct pronunciation of the Arabic letters, Sifaat (attributes of letters), Madd (elongation), Waqf (rules of stopping) and styles of recitation. The students learn how to develop their voice control, confidence and style of recitation.

This subject also helps students develop their memorisation skills whilst memorising certain chapters of the Holy Quran. Overall, a minimum of 3 Juz (parts out of a total of 30) over the period of the course is an expectation from candidates.
This subject also covers translation of the Quranic text along with basic interpretation at intermediate levels. On higher levels, students are expected to study the interpretation of various scholars and appreciate the depth of interpretations.

Cross-curricular links for this subject –
Performing arts
Arabic Language – Reading skills
Memorisation Skills
Speech development
Spiritual & Moral Development (SMSC)

Hadith Studies

In this subject students study the Hadith (Prophetic Narrations) from a beginner’s level to an advance cross-curricular level. The subject helps students towards achieving objectives such as; Hadith reading, translation, comprehension and legal and moral extractions.
This subject also helps students develop their memorisation skills whilst memorising a selection of Prophetic Narrations which focus on developing the manners, attitudes and social along with personal development.
On an intermediate level students will begin to understand the legal aspects of Islamic law which are derived from narrations. In addition, students will be expected to develop themselves as role model citizens in light of the merciful and benevolent teachings of Islam. Rights of neighbours, relatives, non-relatives, members of other beliefs and religions and humanity as a whole will be a recurrent theme throughout.

On an advance level, students will be expected to be able to extract points of Islamic law and ethics themselves based on traditional methodology and study. The Usool Al-Hadith (principals of Prophetic narrations) will enrich students to understand the various nature and status of narrations in order to comprehend and appreciate differences amongst the Islamic Jurists.
The spiritual and moral development of every candidate is at the core of this subject as the objective is to find inner peace and outer peace through the study of narrations.

Cross-curricular links for this subject –
Arabic Language and literature
Citizenship – Rights of everyone
Spiritual & Moral Development (SMSC)
Self-development/Citizenship – health & hygiene
Memorisation Skills
Speech development
Reading & speaking skills
Essay planning & writing skills
Fiqh (Islamic rulings)

Fiqh Studies

In this subject students study Fiqh (understand of Islamic rulings) from a beginner’s level to an advance cross-curricular level. The subject covers an expansive range of topics but mainly focuses on rulings related to; ritual bathing and purification, transactions, prayer, pilgrimage, fasting, marriage, divorce and rights of people.

This subject also helps students develop their logical reasoning along with helping to understand the background of Islamic rulings.

On an intermediate level students will begin to understand the legal aspects of Islamic law which are derived from texts. In addition, students will be expected to develop themselves as role model citizens in light of the merciful and benevolent teachings of Islam. Rights of neighbours, relatives, non-relatives, members of other beliefs and religions and humanity as a whole will be a recurrent theme throughout.

On an advance level, students will be expected to be able to extract points of Islamic law and ethics themselves based on traditional methodology and study. The Usool Al-Fiqh (principals of understanding) will enrich students to understand the various nature and status of evidences in order to comprehend respect and appreciate differences amongst the Islamic Jurists.

Cross-curricular links for this subject –
Arabic Language and literature
Citizenship – Rights of everyone
Citizenship – Respect for the law and upholding the law
Spiritual & Moral Development (SMSC)
Self-development/Citizenship – health & hygiene
Reading & speaking skills
Logical reasoning and understanding
Essay planning & writing skills
Quranic Tafseer (Interpretation), Hadith & Usool


In this subject students study Tareekh (history) which is spread out over various modules. Students are expected to study the NobleSeerah (Life of the Prophet of Islam), the righteous caliphs, Abbasid and Umayyad eras to finally conclude with Muslims in Europe. Students will be expected to understand and realise the contribution of the Islamic civilisation in today’s world along with being inspired to be role models for a brighter future.

The objectives in general for this course are that students learn the values and conduct that was displayed by influential Islamic personalities. Therefore, moral and spiritual development as well as rights of others is at the core of this subject.

Cross-curricular links for this subject –
Citizenship – Rights of everyone
Citizenship – Respect for the law and upholding the law
Spiritual & Moral Development (SMSC)
Reading & speaking skills
Essay planning & writing skills
Quranic Tafseer (Interpretation) & Hadith

Arabic Language and Grammar

In this subject students study Arabic Language as a GCSE subject along with the classical Arabic Grammar. Students are expected to develop their reading, writing and speaking skills as they gain an appreciation of the depth of Arabic. The Grammar studies should enable to realise that the rich structure of the language and the formula like composition of every sentence.

The objectives in general for this course are that students are equipped to study and understand correctly diverse levels of literature and texts in the course. The following areas are covered in order to achieve this; morphology, syntax, Modern Arabic and topic related vocabulary.

Cross-curricular links for this subject –
Citizenship – Range of topics to do with health, hygiene and citizenship.
Spiritual & Moral Development (SMSC)
Reading, Writing & Speaking Skills
Middle Eastern Cultures & Traditions