Jamia Al-Hudaa Policies

This section is regarding some of the policies that are available from the reception office upon request and other policies are downloadable from the links below;

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy – September 2023

Anti-Bullying Policy
Government Guidance September 2023 – Keeping children safe for schools and colleges
Government Guidance September 2023 – Keeping children safe for all school and college staff Part 1
Information sharing July 2018 – Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services to children, young people, parents and carers
Parents & Students Handbook
Attendance Policy
Children Missing In Education
Admissions Policy
Rewards and Behaviour Management Policy
Boarding Rewards and Behaviour Management Policy
Careers Guidance Policy
Crisis Management Plan
Curriculum Policy
E-Safety Policy
Data Protection (GDPR) Policy
Privacy Notice
Disability Policy
Educational Visits Policy
Equality & Diversity Policy
Exams Policy
First Aid Policy
Health & Safety Policy
Physical Restraint Procedure
Promoting British Values Policy
PSHE and Citizenship Policy
Remote Learning Policy
Risk Assessment Policy
RSE Policy
Safer Recruitment & Selection Policy
Students Complaint Procedure
Parents Complaint Procedure
Parent Conduct Policy
Whistle Blowing Policy