Donate Today!

Jamia Al-Hudaa has been offering its services since 1996 and depends on generous donations from the wider Muslim community to continue running this project.

Support students who are on the path of learning the Deen and becoming Aalimas.

In Shaa Allah, we are starting a fundraiser for a much needed new lift for everyone to use at Jamia.
Please keep visiting this page for any updates.

Bank Details for Lift Fundraising:
Jamia Al-Hudaa (Natwest Bank)
Sort Code: 60-11-33
Account Number: 22865543
Reference: Jamia Lift

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Bank Details for Transfer:
Jamia Al-Hudaa (Natwest Bank)
Sort Code: 60-11-33
Account Number: 22865543
Reference: Donation/Zakah

Call – 0115 969 0800

Online Links

Click Below for General Donations

Click Below for Zakah Donations

Jazaakumullah Khairan for your Support!

Why Donate?

At Jamia Al Hudaa, we strive to offer an inclusive institution and education for all. We ask parents to contribute towards the cost of running the institute but this is not sufficient to cover the costs. This is where donations from generous members of the public come in to support the Jamia in running and offering its services.

How can you support us?

Some ideas on how you can support us below;

  • Pray for everyone at Jamia Al-Hudaa to be successful in this cause

  • RaIse awareness of the Jamia to family and friends and

  • encourage families of potential students to make an application for a place at the Jamia


  • Arrange a local fundraising event

  • Ask a family member or friend to set up a direct debit however small the amount

  • Ask someone to sponsor a student using the form