Welcome to Jamia Al-Hudaa

The Jamia Al-Hudaa project was started due to an ever increasing demand for Islamic Education for Muslims within Europe. Jamia Al-Hudaa was officially opened on the 17th August 1996 by the eminent scholar Maulana Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi. The aim of Jamia Al-Hudaa is to provide learning and training opportunities for students over the ages of 11 and 16 within an Islamic environment.

Insha’Allah, our aim is to make Jamia Al-Hudaa a centre of excellence for learning in Europe. We want to ensure that our future generation is Islamically educated whilst having the opportunity to study other subjects. Not only do we want to develop the Islamic personality in our students so that they will be able to apply the Qur’an and Sunnah in their daily lives, but also work for the cause of Deen in Europe.

Our aim is to develop Jamia Al-Hudaa into a fully recognised institution throughout the world thus providing the best education in an Islamic environment. For this we need the support of the Muslim Ummah in Europe. We pray to Allah (SWT) that we are successful in this Islamic cause, and that He (SWT) guides us in every step. Ameen.

Raza ul-Haq Siakhvy

Open Day for Parents and Applicants Sunday 23rd February 2025

Take advantage of our open day to explore the venue and meet the team at Jamia….

Read our latest Ofsted Report....

Check out the latest report and the current status of the Jamia….

Latest JAH Newsletter.....

Catch up with all the latest news and important updates for parents and students….

Parents Meeting takes place before December Holiday

Please check your emails for more information or contact us at the office…

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Who is Jamia For?

The admission age at the Jamia Al-Hudaa is for 11+ years. It is open to all students wishing to study in such an environment. Students will be required to be resident at the Jamia, however special arrangements may be made for non-residential students.

For 16+ Students who wish to study Islamic Studies with additional courses.

The Jamia is open to those who share our aims and wish to attain a good Islamic education as well as achieving a high standard of state education.

Islamic Sciences

The Islamic Studies course is a full time seven year course. The syllabus has been designed by various learned scholars of Islam. The department has well qualified and experienced members of staff who are well acquainted with teaching methods.

The following subjects are taught as part of the Islamic Sciences syllabus, Tajweed, Quranic Translation and Tafseer, Hifz (Selected Juz), Aqeedah, Fiqh, Hadith, Sarf, Nahw, Islamic History, and Arabic Language.
For further information please visit our Aalimah Curriculum Page.

National Curriculum

The National Curriculum for Jamia Al-Hudaa offers the following subjects. All students will study core subjects at GCSE level. Subjects studied are English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, RE, Arabic, & ICT . The student has the option of doing additional subjects.
For more information please visit our GCSE Curriculum Page.

Students Facilities

The building was used as the Headquarters for the Nottingham Health Authority until the early 1990’s. Both the buildings and grounds are well suited for a residential establishment. Jamia Al-Hudda is located in the City of Nottingham in the area known as Mapperley Park, which is a quiet and peaceful residential area.

The building itself is in good condition and consists of five blocks covering an area of approximately 75 000 sq.ft. In total there are over 200 rooms, which are used as classrooms, offices and student accommodation. Jamia Al-Hudaa offers excellent residential facilities for female students. Apart from the residential accommodation, the Jamia has an excellent dining hall, study area and a library; an on-site laundry facility is also available. The site has an outdoor play area as well as an indoor recreational area.

The location for the Jamia has been carefully selected. Many factors were considered before choosing a suitable site. These factors are:

  • The privacy and suitability for a girls’ Jamia.
  • Easy access for the community.
  • Good communication links.
  • Secure for the purpose.

Overview of a day at Jamia. The Jamia day runs from 8.30am in the morning to 8.00pm in the evening. This is structured as follows:
8:30am – 12:30pm Islamic & Faith Curriculum
12:30pm – 1:30pm Lunch, Prayers
1:30pm – 4:00pm Academic Curriculum (GCSEs, A Levels)
4:00pm – 6:00pm Tea & Prayers
6:00pm – 8:00pm Personal Study (Booster lessons)
8:00pm – Prayers & Finish

Our Aims

Jamia Al-Hudaa aims to provide the following to all students regardless of their race and ethnicity:

  • An easy, comfortable and relaxed environment where the students can study Islam along with the subjects recommended to them by the National Curriculum.
  • A promise to create a Muslim generation graced with Islamic Tarbiyya, and capable of conveying the message of Islam through their knowledge and practice.
  • A new identity which will keep them attached to their Islamic values.
  • A thorough education that will help to equip them with the skills and confidence to face the realities of adult life and improving their opportunities for future careers.
  • An environment in which all students will have the opportunity to develop to their full potential according to their age, ability, aptitude and interests.
  • Jamia Al-Hudaa aims to provide the best education in an Islamic environment through the knowledge of the Qur’an and Sunnah, and its application thus seeking the pleasure of Allah (swt).

Our Mission Statement

“to provide the best possible education and personal development in an Islamic Environment through the teachings of Islamic Sciences and the National Curriculum”
We continuously strive and pray so that Jamia Al-Hudaa can offer Muslims an opportunity to acquire higher education within the intellectual and spiritual framework of Islam. Along with this, we aim to provide the best level of teaching and a high quality of education. Academic success is encouraged in a balanced wholesome environment.

We pray that our educational programmes will foster self-awareness and Taqwa in the development of the Islamic personality to enable our students to become the best citizens and representatives of their religion in their societies.